Autodesk Maya 2014 Extension Manager

Posted By admin On 05.10.19
  1. Introducing Autodesk Maya 2014
  2. Download Autodesk Maya 2014

The Plug-in Manager identifies which plug-ins are loaded into Maya. If you have a plug-in that you use frequently, you can make sure it is always there. The Plug-in Manager automatically scans all the directories in the plug-in path and lists available plug-in features.

To download an update Open the Autodesk Maya Update Manager (Help > Check for Updates). Product updates are automatically listed in this window. To the latest service pack using the Application Manager or by using. Autodesk Maya 2014 Service Pack 3 Autodesk Maya 2014. Maya 2018 Downloads. Bonus Tools is a free collection of useful Autodesk® Maya® scripts and plug-ins.

To open the Plug-in Manager, select Editors Settings/Preferences Plug-in Manager from the main menu bar. A plug-in is a module that extends Maya’s capabilities.

File translators are plug-ins you use to import and export various file formats. You can create or purchase specialty plug-ins to customize Maya for a specific job. Some features that can be added through plug-ins are:.

file translators. tools.

objects (nodes). MEL commands. device drivers See also. Note: Each plugin directory has its own Apply To All; the Apply To All will only apply to the plugins in the current plugin directory. You will have to check the Apply To All for each plugin directory if you want all the plugins to be loaded. Loaded When on, the plug-in loads for the current Maya session.

Auto load When on, the plug-in automatically loads the next time you start Maya. Information icons To view information about a particular plug-in, load it, then click the i icon beside the plug-in to open the Plug-in Information window. Name The name of the plug-in. On Linux, plug-ins have the

On Windows, plug-ins have the extension.mll. On Mac OS X, the extension is.lib. Path The location of the file. On Linux, the default plug-in location is: /usr/autodesk/maya /bin/plug-ins. On Windows, the default plug-in location is: drive: Program Files Autodesk Maya bin plug-ins. On Mac OS X, the default locations are: /Applications/Autodesk/maya / and /Users/Shared/Autodesk/maya/ Maya will check both of these locations for valid plug-ins. Vendor The manufacturer of the plug-in.

Plug-in Version The version number of the plug-in. For API Version The version of the Maya API (Application Programmer Interface) the plug-in was compiled for. Note: You cannot load a plug-in for any version of Maya that predates or post-dates the version it was compiled for. That is, if a plug-in was created for Maya 2011, it will not work with Maya 2015.

Service packs are compatible with their major version and vice versa; for example, a plug-in compiled for Maya 2012 works with Maya 2012 Service Pack. Auto Load Indicates whether the plug-in has been marked for auto load.

Is Loaded Indicates whether the plug-in is loaded. Plug-in Features Displays a list of the features added by the plug-in (for example, commands, dependency nodes, file translators). To display additional plug-ins, click the triangle to open the Other Registered Plug-ins section.

To download an update. Open the Autodesk Maya Update Manager ( Help Check for Updates).

Autodesk Maya 2014 Extension Manager

Product updates are automatically listed in this window by name. If no updates are available, the window is empty. Select the update you want to install and expand it by clicking the arrow beside its name. Each update includes a brief summary that gives you details about its function. Click Download. A progress bar appears in the Update Manager window to track the percentage of the download that is complete. TipTo abort the download at any time, press.

Introducing Autodesk Maya 2014

When an update downloads successfully, the following occurs:. The location of your update opens in a new window on your screen. Install instructions appear in a new web browser window.

The Download button becomes an Update button. You click update Update at any time to re-open the location of the update and the install instructions. To install the update on your system, follow the steps in your browser window.

Download Autodesk Maya 2014

To check for a special update Occasionally a special update is released for Maya. In this case, users are given a download code that can be entered in the Update Manager window. Select Options Enter Download Code. The Download Code field appears in the Update Manager. Enter your download code and click Check. The update appears in the window.