Decrypt Ioncube Php Files

Posted By admin On 26.09.19

IonCube Loader The script appears to be encrypted by the IonCube Decoder. Currently UnPHP can't decrypt files that require a module installed on the webserver.

  1. Decrypt PHP Files - Decode ionCube - Decode SourceGuardian - Decode phpSHIELD - Decode Zend-Optimizer - Decode PhpExpress - Decode eAccelerator.
  2. How to Decode ionCube encrypted files? I think it is because of the product.php file code. Browse other questions tagged php encryption ioncube or ask your own.
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Techrahul87 said. I asked for the original source code but my client does not have it. How can I decode those files because I had not seen any ion cube decoder. And why doesn't he have the source code? If he can't deliver, tell him you'll need to write anew and charge accordingly. Sounds like he either doesn't own the code, or he wants to have it reverse engineered when he either doesn't have the legal right to do so or wants to avoid the original author's modification fees. Either way, there is a reason it was encoded and you are probably entering an area that could have legal ramifications for you if you're not careful.

Yes agree with your issue. There are many developers these days who provide encrypted code to their customer and then for supporting their product charge a huge amount. I have also faced this situation, where in a customer wanted to shift to some other agency because his developer was not providing him proper support.

When I told them that a lot of code was encrypted, they contacted the existing developer from whom the application was developed and the web agency flatly refused to share the source code stating that only the web code was with source code. Hence, I think some sort of decoding mechanism needs to be put in place by Ion cube for customers having such genuine issues.

I have heard there are decoders but have not tried any. If you do a google search you will come across many such decoders online as well as offline, but cant comment as have not used any. Jaagare said: - Yes agree with your issue. There are many developers these days who provide encrypted code to their customer and then for supporting their product charge a huge amount. I have also faced this situation, where in a customer wanted to shift to some other agency because his developer was not providing him proper support. When I told them that a lot of code was encrypted, they contacted the existing developer from whom the application was developed and the web agency flatly refused to share the source code stating that only the web code was with source code.

Hence, I think some sort of decoding mechanism needs to be put in place by Ion cube for customers having such genuine issues. I have heard there are decoders but have not tried any.

Decrypt Ioncube Php Files

If you do a google search you will come across many such decoders online as well as offline, but cant comment as have not used any I have issued a ticket regarding this in Ion Cube. Waiting for there reply, but I am not sure that they will help in these kind of cases. Waiting for reply from them.

Jaagare said: There are many developers these days who provide encrypted code to their customer and then for supporting their product charge a huge amount. I have also faced this situation, where in a customer wanted to shift to some other agency because his developer was not providing him proper support. When I told them that a lot of code was encrypted, they contacted the existing developer from whom the application was developed and the web agency flatly refused to share the source code stating that only the web code was with source code. Hence, I think some sort of decoding mechanism needs to be put in place by Ion cube for customers having such genuine issues.

As Mittineague indicated, decryption or reverse engineering may be legally questionable and could open you up to lawsuits from the original developer. ForceFlow said: As Mittineague indicated, decryption or reverse engineering may be legally questionable and could open you up to lawsuits from the original developer.

Yes would agree with that. The main thing to note is check the previous terms the client had with the developer. If it was a custom development for the client, then it should definitely include the source codes. Then I think the developer would be legally bound to provide the source code.

Ioncube Decompiler

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I'm a php developer and currently searching for software to protect php code. I know there exist obfuscators and encoders (and both). But it seems that it's possible to 'decrypt' code encoded with some software. So my question is.

Ioncube Encoder

If it is possible to decrypt source code produced by major software companies (zend, ioncube, sourceguardian). Why that produts are still on market? Why these software continues to sell if anyone can (pay to) decrypt everything in seconds? Btw, i asked this on ioncube forum and my message was. The answer simply reduces to: because there are dumbasses stupid enough to believe that PHP can be 'securely encoded', the same way there are people stupid enough to believe that requiring a serial code for an application automatically makes it secure.

IonCube relies on a pretty simplistic implementation - XOR from start to finish, which is hardly a 'security measure'. It runs as a VM - and is vulnerable to all VM side-channel attacks in addition to flat-out reverse engineering (one presentation here: ).

Will ionCube say so? Because it dissuades the large majority of script kiddies.

I am not familiar with sourceguardian, but Zend is built in the same fashion, albeit a bit more secure and harder to beat than ionCube. However, whilst they're not trivial, they're not impossible to beat, either. The following is taken from the Zend Guard page: Encoding is a process where the PHP source code is converted to an intermediate machine readable format.

This format is hard for humans to read and convert back to source code. As a result it protects your code from casual browsing. This means that if people obtain access to your site's code they will not be able to use that for unintended purposes. In other words, if your user is not casually browsing, this will not hold up. I don't know about you, but I do not know a single non-dev who casually browses source code without the purpose of understanding it, and often, breaking it. The same thing is true of every single DRM method around. However, they're still on the market.

Because, whilst they are not perfect, they're good enough to dissuade the large majority of people. The law and final word of this is: if you build it, expect it to be broken and plan for it.