How To Format C Drive From Bios

Posted By admin On 23.09.19
  1. How To Format C Drive
How To Format C Drive From Bios

I have a computer that was WTFPWND by the 'System Restore Virus'. I am trying to install a new copy of windows, but when I put in the install disk and boot from CD I get a Blue Screen of Death everytime. I just want to wipe the hard drive clean, but now I can't even get into windows or into the CMD. I have restarted and tried the Setup Menu, the Boot Menu, the Diagnostics, and even tried spamming F8 so I could try to open windows w/ command prompt. Any ideas on how to wipe this hdd?

Since it had such a nasty virus, I'd like to avoid taking it out and connecting it to another PC. I am awaiting your response, and thanks in advance. I agree with those who imply a failure on hardware, hard drive and/or memory would be at the top of the list. You have not stated the age of the PC but I would also consider using the hard drive manufacturers disk utilities for a couple of reasons: 1) It should diagnose your hard drive, and if found bad, it will be required (most likely) to submit that specific info to RMA the drive, assuming it is still under warranty. 2) If the drive is found to be OK, it can also serve as another tool to wipe it, but of course the WinXP disc does the same.

How to format c drive

How To Format C Drive

Select the drive you want to format. You will see a list of all your drives and the partitions they contain. Select the drive you want to format, and then click the 'Format' button at the bottom of the list. The drive will be formatted as NTFS. You can only format your boot drive as NTFS.