Mohaa Multiplayer Maps Download

Posted By admin On 21.10.19

Games > Medal of Honor Allied Assault > mohaa Servers SEARCH. Medal of Honor Allied Assault Servers. Multiplayer Server Rank. Bright Hub provides a complete Medal of Honor multiplayer maps guide, covering all 8 of the new maps in Medal of Honor (2010), with gametype details and tips for maps. Welcome to the AAAA MOHAA Map Database - The MOHAA map Database Support's MOHAA / MOHSH / MOHBT Custom Maps Allied Assault, Spearhead and Breakthrough Custom maps.

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Medal of Honor Multiplayer Maps - Introduction With the map selection for the new Medal of Honor's multiplayer component, DICE have clearly gone for a policy of quality over quantity. Only 8 maps come with the boxed game, and of those, 3 are dedicated to the multi-stage Combat Mission gametype. This has led to loud voicings of disappointment on many a gaming forum, with some players feeling short-changed at the initial number of maps. However, the multiplayer arenas included in MoH are amongst the best and certainly most graphically beautiful DICE as a developer have ever devised, and their scaled-down nature suit the game's free-flowing combat perfectly. In this Medal of Honor multiplayer maps guide, we'll take a look at the 5 multi-gametype maps first, before moving on to the dedicated Combat Mission settings.

Garmzir Town Gametypes:. Team Assault. Objective Raid. Sector Control One of the most graphically impressive Medal of Honor multiplayer maps, Garmzir Town features masses of intricate detail in its narrow streets, tight corners and crumbling buildings. Use the central riverbed to quickly travers the length of the map, but make sure you don't spend too long in the exposed marketplace in the center of the map, as you will be easy meat for Snipers perching themselves in the multiple two storey buildings surrounding it. Kandahar Marketplace Gametypes:. Team Assault.

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Objective Raid. Sector Control The bombed out buildings of Kandahar Marketplace provide plenty of cover as well as multiple routes throughout this map, and there is always a window or blasted wall on hand to dive through when under enemy fire. If you do find yourself exposed on the wider open roads on the map, remember that unlike Battlefield: Bad Company 2, the scenery in Medal of Honor multiplayer maps is non-destructible, so there are plenty of crates or drums to take cover behind.

Verticality is really important on this map as well - use the building roofs and narrow street gaps to jump quickly from a high location to another, giving you a good vantage point from which to pick off enemy soldiers. Kabul City Ruins Gametypes:. Team Assault. Objective Raid.

Sector Control Another urban MoH map, when playing any of the gametypes on Kabul City Ruins make maximum use of the bomb-damaged multi-level buildings and construction sites and avoid venturing out into the road at all costs - you'll be taken out instantly, and respawning at your last location will become a recipe for instant deaths, requiring a return to base. The tight corners and large building blocks are great for cover, dashing out to melee kill unsuspecting opponents. Kunar Base Gametypes:. Team Assault. Objective Raid.

Sector Control Lives are short and not particularly sweet on Kunar Base, one of the smallest of the Medal of Honor maps available in multiplayer. Set in an isolated Coalition base on a rocky hillside, its small size combined with its regular layout provide plenty of eyelines across most of the map for adept Snipers to cause carnage.

Always Respawn at your Base, as the run back to the action is negligible. Try and get up on to the one storey buildings and prefab walls as early as possible to dominate the opposing team, and cover the small stairways up from the lower spawning points. Sector Control on this particular map devolves into absolute bloodshed. Helmand Valley Gametypes:. Combat Mission The first of the specialized Combat Mission Medal of Honor maps we'll be looking at, Helmand Valley is set in a not-so-peaceful rural landscape of riverbeds and farmland. For the Attacking Team, the trip to the initial Roadblock Objective is made fraught by the wide open fields you need to travers, so veer right on the map and try to get up the hillside and flank your enemy.

The second and third Objectives, the Bunker and the Barricade are simpler tasks, especially the latter once you get the Bradley Tank as support, although your armor can be horribly exposed on the small bridge across the river, so get across quick. Mazar-I-Sharif Airfield Gametypes:. Combat Mission As with Helmand Valley, the initial spawn point for the Attackers on this Combat Mission leaves them utterly exposed for that initial run to remove the Roadblock Objective. However, at least the scrap aircraft and tanks littering the map provide some form of cover and elevation. Having some decent Snipers certainly helps on this Medal of Honor map, especially if they veer right towards the fence and pick off Defenders as they run out from their spawn point while the Riflemen get to the Objective.

Shahikot Mountains Gametypes:. Combat Mission The Combat Mission Medal of Honor map featured in the PC Beta just before release. Unlike the previous two, Shahikot Mountains favors the Attacking team quite a bit, as their initial spawn gives them a great overlook of the first Chinook Wreck Objective to snipe defenders for fun. After that, getting to the Ammo Depot Objective requires a tricky passage through some confined channels in the rocks, where the Defenders can exact some revenge. Resist the urge to Respawn here at all costs. Once through, though, the Attackers again have access to some great elevated positions to pick off their opponents with ease. Conclusion While the initial Medal of Honor map selection appears small, especially if you're not particularly taken with the Combat Mission gametype, it's clear that DICE have put a fair bit of work into them, as they burst at the seams with sharp corners, cover points, tricky runs and prime sniping locations.


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The Frostbite Engine has never looked better, and the level of graphical intricacy and polish is stunning. The relatively small scale of some of the maps makes the decision to leave complete destructibility out understandable, as, on Kunar Base for instance, there would soon be little left but wide open spaces. Hopefully DICE and EA have some more cracking Medal of Honor maps up their sleeves for post-release DLC to complement the promising selection that comes with MoH in the box. In the concluding part of our Medal of Honor guide, we'll take a detailed look at the Xbox 360 Achievements available for the game.

Welcome to the AAAA database, community for things MOH - (.Note to download, comment, review you must be The AAAA Map Database was created by with Help and support of the AAAA and team and members with special thanks to for many of the layout and concept ideas and the massive bulk!!! Content of the Database. Please help support the map database and upload your maps if they dont exist already and add content details to the existing maps. All registered users now have edit access. If you have any ideas or feature requests OR PROBLEMS just let us know and drop us a post here We want to make sure that none of these maps are lost for MOHAA after all the effort that was put into them by their creators. Please also help support our running cost's every little helps and goes back into the AAAA MOHAA community - We also donate to other MOHAA projects when ever we have spare funds.