Sparx Enterprise Architect Viewer

Posted By admin On 28.09.19

Jun 28, 2016 Free Enterprise Architect Viewer. The BRIDG project uses Sparx Systems’ modeling tool called Enterprise Architect. We maintain the file as an.EAP. Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect is a visual modeling and design tool based on the OMG UML. The platform supports: the design and construction of software systems.

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  3. Enterprise Architect Trial

All Third Party Extensions Description AMUSE can validate your Enterprise Architect UML Model to correct errors or application logic and reuse source code. APG ModelFlow™ significantly reduces time lost to EA data bottlenecks and increases data accuracy at companies employing multiple EA tools, and where EA data is distributed in independent data repositories. Cephas Consulting provides an extensive, rule-based validation of the quality, consistency, and accuracy of the models created in Enterprise Architect.

Neat (neat enterprise architecture tool) allows for the modeling of enterprise architectures in data grids, while maintaining full control of the ArchiMate™ 2.1 metamodel. AUTOSAR Engineer is a product package from LieberLieber for the professional creation of AUTOSAR models using Enterprise Architect.

Sparx Enterprise Architect Tutorial

Enterprise Architect/Gears Bridge' integrates model driven engineering and product line engineering technologies - enabling Enterprise Architect models to be used as configurable shared assets across products in a product line portfolio. Biner EASI is a full integration of Enterprise Architect, ArchiMate and TOGAF in one software plug-in, helping you kick-start your EA process straight away. A comprehensive rule-based BPMN 2.0 model verification extension for Enterprise Architect 12.1 or later Cephas Consulting offers a free BPMN 2.0 Validation extension to Enterprise Architect version 9.0 or later! The BPMN Generator extension for Enterprise Architect provides the functionality to generate a BPMN 2.0 process flow diagram from Use Case textual scenarios. CIM EA can create and edit CIM Profiles as standard UML models, as well as generate CIM-based artifacts. The CodeTrigger C# code generation plugin for Enterprise Architect enables users to go from Enterprise Architect data model/database to complete working end to end multi-tier application with a few clicks. (EA)² extends and hones Enterprise Architect for modeling Enterprise Architecture.

Share references to specific enterprise diagrams, or to complete views, with simple html hyperlinks. EA connector for Confluence is an Enterprise Architect plugin that generates your projects documentation in Confluence. EA Connector for JIRA' enhances the capabilities of Enterprise Architect by providing a full life cycle to all kinds of elements. EA Connector for Redmine exchanges model information in Enterprise Architect with ticket information in Redmine, which is a web-based, open source application for project management and issue tracking. EA Connector for Trac facilitates information exchange between the UML modeling tool Enterprise Architect, and Trac - a web-based, open source tool for software project management and bug tracking. EaDocX™ is the agile Word and Excel document creation extension for Enterprise Architect, making it simple to create high quality business ready documents.

EaDocX™ is the agile document creation and collaboration extension for Enterprise Architect, delivering the power of EA to anyone with a web enabled device. EaForms' is a simple to use, configurable, element properties editor that can help both the new EA user get started and the EA expert become more productive. EA-Matic is an add-in for Sparx Enterprise Architect that enables rapid EA add-in development. EA Navigator is a free, open-source add-in that facilitates quick navigation between different elements in a model. EA SafeDelete is an extension to Enterprise Architect that can improve model governance by helping customers understand the consequence of deleting a model element.

EA TFS Connector is a free and open source add-in that synchronizes workitems 2-way between Enterprise Architect and TFS (Microsoft Team Foundation Server) Embedded Engineer is part of the tool chain for the development of Embedded Systems. Enterprise Tester is a web-based test management solution, providing world-first integration with Enterprise Architect and JIRA. EaUtils is a free utilities addin for Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect modelling tool. It provides a number of features to help go further with Sparx EA.

Insurance Frameworks Inc. Provides an enterprise business framework, business reference models and methodologies for the insurance, wealth management and banking industry. LemonTree is the ultimate solution for the diffing and merging of different model versions. Model Guardian, the Framework & Model Management System, makes the process of framework development and model synchronization as easy as possible. Model Expert™ from eaDocX® is the model management extension for Enterprise Architect, giving every modeller an easy way to ensure quality and consistency in their models. MODSARUS® brings to EA a model-driven approach to specify unambiguous, interoperable and vendor-independent smart grid and smart energy systems. RaQuest is a Requirements Management tool for Enterprise Architect that can manage and track changes.

Complete all the cells of the SABSA® Security Architecture framework, using either custom-built diagram types and toolboxes. The 'SGAM Toolbox' supports the development of Smart Grid Architectures in reference to the 'Smart Grid Architecture Model' (SGAM) Siemens Polarion Requirements encourages team collaboration allowing users to share features of Requirements designed in Enterprise Architect. Soltegro EA Addin is a set of usefull tools to enrich the user experience of Enterprise Architect, consisting a Rich notes editor and a Property inspector. Solvea' is a SysML parametric solver and integrator extension for Enterprise Architect. Seamlessly create and manage your requirements in Enterprise Architect, then synchronize them into SpiraTest to develop your quality assurance test plan. A MDG Technology for EA (v12.1 or later) that embeds a UML profile to facilitate the modeling of complex system architectures. Convert your Visio (business) process models into the official BPMN 2.0 notation, even if the Visio diagrams were not created using the BPMN stencil!

Convert your XPDL based process models into the official BPMN 2.0 notation to leverage business process validation and simulation. AMUSE Detecting issues early in the project lifecycle can save a lot of time and money. With AMUSE you can validate your Enterprise Architect UML Model to correct errors in your business workflow or application logic before your software engineers write a single line of code. You also can reuse the source code generated by AMUSE for your applications (C# supported in the standard package). With AMUSE you can create models on any level of abstraction and initiate testing in the very early project stages. By integrating mock-objects, existing applications and external hardware, even highly complex behaviors can be validated.

For more information go to. APG ModelFlow™ APG ModelFlow™ is a platform for exchanging model content between Enterprise Architect and federated enterprise data repositories. With APG ModelFlow, end-users can leverage data directly in Enterprise Architect that from external sources that contain architecture-relevant information such as application/technology inventories, financial data, and other enterprise architecture tools (including IBM Rational System Architect and Troux Architect). APG ModelFlow also enables coexistence of multiple EA tools (or as a migration mechanism) to remove friction between groups in an organization that use different tools. ArchiSpark neat ArchiSpark neat connects to Enterprise Architect, providing an easy method of managing large amounts of business data. Neat (neat enterprise architecture tool) allows for the modeling of enterprise architectures in data grids, while maintaining full control of the ArchiMate™ 2.1 metamodel.

Main features of archiSpark neat add-in are:. Full cooperation with Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect. Full implementation of the ArchiMate™2.1 metamodel.

Business data controlled by your metamodel. Business data orientation with the use of viewpoints. Simple way of defining your own viewpoints. Business data trimmed to fit your needs.


High performance UI Controls. Tracing the connections of the model objects through the metamodel For more information, please visit. AUTOSAR Engineer LieberLieber AUTOSAR Engineer is a product package from LieberLieber for the professional creation of AUTOSAR models using Enterprise Architect by Sparx Systems. This package is based on a UML AUTOSAR profile that allows the creation of models directly in Enterprise Architect in accordance with the 4 Virtual Function Bus (VFB) specification. The profile provides all necessary AUTOSAR elements like components, interfaces, runnables, etc. The LieberLieber Modeling Assistants are built in to ensure fast and fluid modeling. These assist modelers by, for example, automating the transfer of setting when model elements are connected, or during the layout of components with port elements. They increase productivity, save time, provide extended layout functionalities and ensure a valid model, because they extend the model validation capabilities of Enterprise Architect with a focus on AUTOSAR modeling.

You can export the data from your AUTOSAR model using the LieberLieber AUTOSAR Connector in the AUTOSAR ARXML format, with which a continuous AUTOSAR tool chain can be configured or the model can be integrated into an existing tool chain. LieberLieber AUTOSAR Engineer offers the following features:.

Support for the AUTOSAR 4 VFB modeling standard (component types, interfaces, runables, ) by a UML2 profile. Inclusion of further modeling options (e.g. Modeling of events to start runnables). Intelligent modeling support from modeling assistants in the background – e.g. Name, type and direction are automatically set on a new connected port. Enterprise Architect Quick-Linker is supported.

Mixed modeling with UML and SysML in the same repository is possible and supported. BARXML export The following show two AUTOSAR VFB models created with the help of LieberLieber AUTOSAR Engineer. This example is from the AUTOSAR 4 VFB specification. The modeling of behavior of component such as runnables, events and inter-runnable variables is supported by LieberLieber AUTOSAR Engineer. To learn more or to schedule a demo,.

Biner EASI BEASI is a full integration of Sparx Enterprise Architect, ArchiMate and TOGAF. The plug-in contains pre-configured structures based on the TOGAF ADM model, using ArchiMate as modelling language. It provides templates, examples and tools that simplify the development and maintenance of your Enterprise Architecture projects. Functionality and Benefits. Relationship matrix, showing derived as well as explicit relations. Automatic generation of ArchiMate compliant viewpoints. Gap analysis: Structure and support for gap analysis including support for automatic generation of gap views based on baseline and target.

Migration planning: Support for automatic generation of draft roadmap as represented by Architecture Definition Increments Table as well as templates for migration plans. and much more! Contact Details For more information visit: or contact us. BPMN 2.0 Validation Cephas Consulting provides an Enterprise Architect extension for validating BPMN 2.0 models against the official OMG™ specification. Validating business process models is important for ensuring their quality and consistency, and is a critical prerequisite for making them executable. This software is made available for free to any Enterprise Architect User.

(for details please refer to our web page). Validation occurs at the diagram level, with warning and error messages listed in Enterprise Architect's Output window.

Clicking a message will select the corresponding element in the Project Browser, while double clicking will open its properties window to facilitate correcting the issue. For more information, please visit. BPMN Generator The BPMN Generator extension for Enterprise Architect has been developed by Dunstan Thomas Consulting Ltd to provide the functionality to generate a BPMN 2.0 process flow diagram from Use Case textual scenarios. Functionality and Benefits The BPMN Generator saves time and effort by automatically generating these BPMN 2.0 process flows from textual use cases and provides the modeller with options to set:. The top margin of the generated diagram. The left margin of the generated diagram. The default height of each task.

The adjustment height of each task (used to ensure that text fits in a task). Whether or not a new diagram and elements will be generated rather than overwrite any existing diagram and elements. The BPMN Generator Extended Edition has all the functionality listed above but allows multiple diagrams to be generated. The Generator will display a list of use cases from:. The repository.

A selected package. A use case diagram. The user can then select one or more of these use cases to generate BPMN diagrams. Website: Learn More. CIM EA CIM EA is a free add-in which extends Enterprise Architect to provide a single environment in which users can manage the IEC Common Information Model (CIM) together with CIM Profiles. Using CIM EA, you can create and edit CIM Profiles as standard UML models, as well as generate CIM-based artifacts from them, all from within Enterprise Architect.

Functionality and Benefits. Create and edit CIM Profiles as UML models. Maintain profiles in UML alongside the CIM. Familiar modeling environment.

Integrated into Enterprise Architect. No external tools or technologies.

Eliminates XMI model exports. Generate artifacts from within Enterprise Architect. Quickly create artifacts such as XSD and RDF. Efficiently iterate model development and regenerate artifacts. Streamlined user experience. Fast and intuitive CIM Profile creation and editing For more information on CIM EA, please email: Url. CodeTrigger The CodeTrigger C# code generation plugin for Enterprise Architect enables users to go from Enterprise Architect data model/database to complete working end to end multi-tier application with a few clicks.

(EA)² (EA)² is an add-in product that extends and hones Enterprise Architect for modeling Enterprise Architecture. It includes a framework and supporting tools for providing architectural guidance and conformance and turns the model repository into a knowledge base used for Architecture Driven Planning. Modeling your Enterprise Architecture (EA)² provides toolbox elements for modeling each architectural view, i.e Business, Application, Data, and Infrastructure, as well as for linking across views for a vertical slice of the architecture. Architectural conformance is ensured by prescribed diagram types and quick links that provide the allowable interactions among the elements, both horizontally and vertically. Communicating the Architecture to all Stakeholders Designs created for each architectural view speak to constituent stakeholders in their own terms.

Enterprise architects can review vertical slices for conformance to architectural directions. Performing Architecture Based Planning (EA)² provides roadmaps for moving from current to future states. It provides SQL views that leverage the underlying meta-model, making it easy to design comprehensive reports showing the relationships among the architectural assets and how they relate to the roadmaps.For more information go to.

EA Bootstrap As an enterprise solution integrator, InfiniSolution is proud to share an Architect Bootstrap external plugin. With Enterprise Architect Bootstrap, you now have the possibility to share references to specific enterprise diagrams or to complete views with simple html hyperlinks. The concept is simple but the benefit is huge. This feature lets you easily share your Enterprise Architect documentation and diagrams on different support, such as websites, emails and chat with minimal efforts. Your html documentation can also be enhanced with a GUID identifier reference allowing you to navigate between the documentation and the Enterprise Architect program.

For more information, please visit our website for videos and an online sample. The plugin is usable with no installation and no administrator right on the client computer. Everything takes place into a Java Web Start component which starts Enterprise Architect, opens the targeted diagrams and explodes the project navigator at the right place. Functionality and Benefits.

Allows you to create hyperlinks referring your business diagrams;. Build sharable hyperlinks from current user views;.

Refer and auto navigate in the project explorer to a resource by its identifier (GUID);. Enhance existing generated html documentation with a simple JS file;. No installation required.

Contact Details Email: URL. EA Connector For Confluence EA connector for Confluence is an Enterprise Architect plugin that generates your projects documentation in Confluence.

It will change the way your teams create, find and share your Enterprise Architect projects documentation. With EA connector for Confluence get a clean and updated documentation in just a few clicks, taking advantage of all the functionality and usability of Confluence. See for yourself by downloading the trial version now! Functionality and Benefits:. Find, share and collaborate on your Enterprise Architect projects documentation. Let your teams organize and share in Confluence the documentation of your Enterprise Architect projects.

Enterprise Architect Trial

Organize your documentation as you want. You can decide which project elements and packages you want to export and how the information should be organized in your Confluence space. Clean documentation format.

We have included many expandable fields and links so it will be very easy to navigate through the information. EA Connector for JIRA EA Connector for JIRA' enhances the capabilities of Enterprise Architect by providing a full life cycle to all kinds of elements (requirements, use cases, test cases, etc.).

These are some of the processes that can be implemented with EA Connector for JIRA:. Requirements Management. Use Case Management. Test Management. Risks Management This add-in connects Enterprise Architect with one of the most popular issue tracking and project management tools in the market: JIRA of Atlassian. The elements created in Enterprise Architect can be tracked in workflows of JIRA, synchronizing the information of Enterprise Architect and JIRA in both directions.

For more information: +34 912 824 700. EA Connector for Redmine EA Connector for Redmine exchanges information between Enterprise Architect and Redmine. The integration of these applications helps to connect project teams by:.

Enabling discussion of Enterprise Architect elements in Redmine. Facilitating information flow between development tools using Redmine ticket information as input to designs in Enterprise Architect (ticket driven development). Highlighting relationships (RedmineLinks) between Redmine tickets using Enterprise Architect diagrams. And so on. EA Connector for Redmine relates Enterprise Architect Requirements, Changes, Use Cases, Tests, Issues, Features and Tasks to Redmine tickets - exchanging attributes bi-directionally.

With the help of EA Connector for Redmine, you can:. Export Enterprise Architect elements to Redmine tickets. Import Redmine tickets to Enterprise Architect elements. Preserve relationships between Redmine Tickets and corresponding Enterprise Architect elements. Synchronize attributes of Enterprise Architect elements with Redmine tickets For more information, please visit. EA Connector for Trac EA Connector for Trac supports information exchange between Enterprise Architect and Trac. The integration of these tools helps to connect project teams by:.

Enabling discussion of Enterprise Architect elements in Trac. Facilitating information flow between development tools - use Trac ticket information as input to designs in Enterprise Architect. Highlighting relationships (TracLinks) between Trac tickets using Enterprise Architect diagrams. And so on.

EA Connector for Trac links Enterprise Architect Requirements, Changes, Use Cases, Tests, Issues, Features and Tasks to Trac tickets - exchanging attributes bi-directionally. With the help of EA Connector for Trac, you can:. Export Enterprise Architect elements to Trac tickets. Import Trac tickets to Enterprise Architect elements.

Convert specially marked TrackLinks to relationships between Enterprise Architect elements. Synchronize attributes of Enterprise Architect elements with Trac tickets.

Convert child diagrams of Enterprise Architect elements to images attached to Trac tickets For more information, please visit. EaForms eaForms' is a simple to use, configurable, element properties editor that can help both the new EA user get started and the EA expert become more productive. By ensuring that the information in the edit form is relevant to the task and user, eaForms can reduce barriers when introducing EA and help ensure the integrity and quality of your models. Whilst for the EA expert consolidating information onto a single form, coupled with pre-defined selection options, can greatly speed the process of creating or editing elements.

Using eaForms you can:. configure editor content per element type - to meet project and users' needs. consolidate information onto a single form - to provide greater visibility of relevant information.

define the layout - to helps user workflow. limit choices to pre-defined values - to help drive consistency and speed editing. mandate item entries - to ensure completeness. provide context sensitive help - to give guidance where needed. manage look and feel - to give users a better visual experience More information: Contact: URL.

EA SafeDelete When deleting items (Views, Packages, Elements or Diagrams) from a repository, Enterprise Architect warns the user that the delete action is irreversible, however, Enterprise Architect’s delete functionality can pose some challenges for the unaware: The wording of the warnings: If a user deletes an item from a diagram (Ctrl + Del), then the warning indicates that the process cannot be undone. However if does not warn that any children will also be deleted. If a user deletes an item from the Project Browser (Ctrl + Del or Right-click Delete), then the warning indicates that the process will delete all children, but does not warn that the process cannot be undone. Enterprise Architect provides no indication as to the effect that deleting an item from the repository may have on other items in the repository. For example, which diagrams refer to this item, and what relationships exist between this item and other items. As the delete process cannot be undone, mistakes cannot be rectified easily.

EA TFS Connector The EA TFS Connector is a free and open source add-in that synchronizes work items 2-way between Enterprise Architect and TFS. Functionality and Benefits. Synchronize work items such as features, bugs and user stories to elements in Enterprise Architect. Configure the mapping between the type of work items and the type of model elements. Uses the REST API, so no local TFS or Visual Studio installation is required. Compatible with TFS version 2015 More information and download. EA-Matic EA-Matic is an add-in that enables rapid EA add-in development.

Sparx Enterprise Architect Viewer

It uses the built-in scripting features of EA to relieve you of developing, building and deploying full-blown EA add-ins. Aimed at corporate environments, it greatly reduces the time to introduce new functionality. With EA-Matic you can develop your EA add-in using nothing but EA, and deploy changes instantly to all model users.

The possibilities are endless. You can validate your own modelling rules, keep your model consistent by preventing the deletion of elements that are still used, add your own context menus, or make self-maintaining diagrams. The only limits are those of your imagination. The table below shows how add-in development with EA-Matic differs from classic add-in development.

EA-Matic Classic add-in development Required tools Only EA Visual Studio, Sharpdevelop, or equivalent IDE Installation of a new version Instantly available for all users without the need to install anything again on the workstations. Msi-deployment on all workstations Languages VBScript, JScript, JavaScript VB, C# Security access on development machine Normal user rights are enough. Local Administrator rights required.

For More information. EA Navigator EA Navigator is a free, open-source (BSD License) add-in for Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect that enhances the experience of any Enterprise Architect user. EA Navigator facilitates quick navigation between different elements in a model, especially between those elements that are not immediately apparent using standard EA features.

Using Enterprise Architect's dockable add-in window, EA Navigator retains a history of the 50 last selected model elements, and shows the important related elements at a glance. Use the add-in to navigate between:. Operations and Sequence diagrams. Operations and their implementation (Behavior). Operations and CallOperationActions. Types and Parameters. Types and Attributes.

And to any Fully Qualified Name (FQN) that has been copied to the clipboard. More information: Contact. Embedded Engineer. ✓ Improved C code generation. ✓ Efficient C code generation. ✓ Debugging on the model level (UML). ✓ User code synchronization.

✓ Requirements Tracing LieberLieber Embedded Engineer for Enterprise Architect has been developed as part of the tool chain for the development of Embedded Systems, since only with an integrated solution can model-driven approaches in embedded software development be efficiently applied. Embedded Engineer Version 2.0 offers improved code generation from ANSI-C code from UML structures, state machines and activity models, as well as – brand new – the generation of C source code. The automated code generation creates detailed documentation at the same time. Existing solutions must not be converted, since a clean integration of model-based and classic development exists. Compliance with norms is simplified, since only the Code Generator must be adapted. Since the source code is delivered at the same time, necessary adjustments are easily possible and no dependency on solutions providers is generated. With the UML Debugger, included in Embedded Engineer, LieberLieber has solved a problem which has influenced several generations of code-generation tools.

Whereby development has always taken place on the UML model level, debugging was then carried out in C or C. With the UML Debugger, debugging is now carried out directly on the model level, which represents a great step in the development of model-based development. Download your 90-day trial version now. Enterprise Architect Gears Bridge BigLever Software's Enterprise Architect/Gears Bridge' enables engineering organizations to utilize Enterprise Architect MDD models as configurable shared assets within their Gears production lines, and Gears PLE constructs as first-class systems and software engineering mechanisms for managing product line diversity in Enterprise Architect MDD models. More specifically, the Bridge allows users to:.

Use PLE mechanisms to manage the diversity for a full product line in a single, consolidated MDD model, as a highly scalable alternative to cloned copies or one-size-fits-all UML and SysML models. Automatically configure Enterprise Architect models for different products by making feature choices in a Gears feature profile. Convert Enterprise Architect model elements into Gears variation points to encapsulate the PLE diversity for that model element, without extending or complicating UML and SysML models. Use one or more Enterprise Architect models - either packages or projects - in a larger collection of shared assets across the full engineering lifecycle for a product line portfolio. Perform integrated PLE operations - such as product configuration, variation point editing and variation impact analysis - directly from Enterprise Architect menus.

For more information: BigLever Software Website: Phone: 1+512-426-2227 Email. Enterprise Tester Enterprise Tester is a fully integrated, web-based test management solution, which provides a world-first integration with Enterprise Architect and JIRA. Utilizing a unique transformation framework which facilitates traceability from UML requirements to test cases and defects, Enterprise Tester enables your organization to improve test scripting and management process whilst reducing software defects, project costs and timeframes. Key Enterprise Tester features include:. Integration with Enterprise Architect and JIRA;.

Real-time retrieval of test cases, scenarios and script headers from UML models;. Management and organization of test cycles and execution sets;. Cycle based testing and recording of results;. Step-by-step script instruction and recording of associated results;. Storage, management and reusability of scripts; and. Full end-to-end visibility of defects and associated requirements.

Enterprise Tester is also a component part of Catch Limited's integrated toolset, which includes award winning tools Screen Architect, Enterprise Architect and JIRA, and provides users with a full end-to-end solution in lifecycle management. For more information please visit: +64 9 303 2023 See also our. EaUtils eaUtils is a free utilities addin for Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect modelling tool. It provides a number of features to help go further with Sparx Enterprise Architect. In its initial version 1.0, eaUtils has focused on a range of element's sorting features, updating the default sorting order from the Project Browser. EaUtils also provides a diagram breadcrumb trail generation to simplify navigation between linking diagrams.

EaUtils is maintained by Guillaume FINANCE, who runs blog, dedicated to modelling and Sparx Enterprise Architect, and member of the. Contact Details URL: Email: Twitter: @eautils For more information please visit. Insurance Frameworks Inc. Insurance Frameworks Inc. Provides:. an enterprise business framework. business reference models.

methodologies for the insurance, wealth management and banking industry at a. Our mission is to share knowledge at a low cost with the following types of organizations:.

P&C. Life. Health. Life and health.

Worker's compensation. Pension funds. Banks and credit unions. Consulting and technology providers.

These frameworks and models were developed after working with more than 100 financial institutions around the world. The Panorama 360 Enterprise Business Framework is a road map for managing, planning, designing, developing and implementing business processes, and technology. This framework defines in excess of 500 business functions (capability model) as well as the data models and all with their definitions. This Enterprise Business Framework has been captured using Enterprise Architect. Contact: Pierre Gagne.

LemonTree LemonTree is the ultimate solution for the diffing and merging of different model versions. Based on scientific work and several years of practical experience with pilot customers, LieberLieber has now officially released this fresh, new approach to solving all-too-familiar challenges associated with the parallel editing of models in teams. Stefan Mueller, HIMA Paul Hildebrandt, Safety-Related Automation Solutions: “In general, standards such as IEC 61508 demand the application of configuration management. This applies to all artifacts, including UML models.

LemonTree from LieberLieber is our key to revealing the changes that have been made to a revision.” Highlights:. 3-way diffing and merging of Enterprise Architect models. Parallel editing of models through optimistic model versioning.

Seamless integration with Subversion, Git, PTC etc. Branches of models (longer-term, parallel development of versions and variants). Diagram merge and merge preview. Changes are visualized clearly and understandably for review Take a free 30 day trial under:. Model Guardian Take Control of Enterprise Architect Model Guardian, the Framework & Model Management System, makes the process of framework development and model synchronization as easy as possible. Framework Management Model Guardian provides a user interface that intuitively guides you through the process of framework development, including toolboxes, quicklinks and a lot more.

It even manages framework versions, including automatic archival and retrieval processing. Model Management Models are synchronized with the latest version of the framework, keeping them from becoming obsolete. Models created without Model Guardian can be synchronized with and brought under framework management. Broad, sweeping changes to models can be made, like changing a stereotype of all elements having that stereotype. Yours or Ours With Model Guardian, you can build your own frameworks or start with one of ours, e.g., the (EA) Enterprise Architecture Modeling Framework, and modify it to fit your environment. For more information, go to:.

Model Expert Model Expert™ from eaDocX® is the model management extension for Enterprise Architect, giving every modeller an easy way to ensure quality and consistency in their models. Everyone can model the same way. If models are consistent then they are easier to read and much more likely to be re-used. No more novice users. By sharing reference models, the best modelling standards can be made available to everyone. Letting every modeller be an expert modeller. Define and communicate your approved company model style & standards.

Only using a subset of BPMN, Archimate or UML? Or need a way to standardise how your modellers integrate Archimate elements with BPMN? Create your ‘model’ solution and then use it to quality check everything your modellers produce. Configure your own rules. Specify permitted or required data, how the results are presented, and recommended fixes. Delivering an objective measure of model quality. Define a model structure and validate work done against it.

Track the number and severity of problems vs. Your company/department/project standards and monitor improvements as the problems are fixed. Supporting Model Governance. Model Expert allows each modeller to correct their own work before release, giving the model manager confidence that the work of different teams will be compatible.

Applying standards and checks at every level of the model. Check for correctness at diagram level, package level or for the whole model. Model Expert checks for 'mechanical' correctness only, e.g. The elements, relationships, stereotypes, sub elements, attributes and tagged values that are allowed or required.

The correctness of the content will always be up to you! Now everyone can be a Model Expert Take a free 30 day trial. MODSARUS® MODSARUS® brings to EA a model-driven approach to specify unambiguous, interoperable and vendor-independent smart grid and smart energy systems. With MODSARUS®, utilities can specify their business processes and associated data exchange. MODSARUS automates the transformation from paper documents to UML models to data exchange interfaces (XSD). MODSARUS® is developed by a utility (EDF) for utilities, and is based on key IEC standards. Functionality MODSARUS® offers two functional modules:.

MODSARUS® “Use Case” supports the specification of business processes (compliant with IEC62559 Use Case Methodology). MODSARUS® “Data Flow” supports the specification of exchange interfaces based on corporate or IEC data models (CIM). It is complementary with key existing EA features for generic or domain-specific XSD generation using EA SchemaComposer. Benefits MODSARUS®:. reduces overall design time. hides the complexity of modeling rules.

improves the quality, reusability and sharing of large models. enhances the documentation consistency of along the entire life cycle of complex never-ending infrastructures Contact Details Email: For more information, please visit. SABSA® Security Architecture Extension This MDG technology allows the Enterprise Architect modeler to complete all the cells of the SABSA® Security Architecture framework using either custom-built diagram types and toolboxes, standard languages such as the Business Motivation Model (BMM), Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN), and the Unified Modeling Language (UML), or Enterprise Architect modeling extensions such as Org Charts, Business Logistics, and Database Schema diagrams. The technology includes a template package/folder structure, predefined element libraries, and dedicated diagrams & toolboxes. For more information, please visit Cephas Consulting Corp.

SGAM Toolbox Overview of Plug-In The 'SGAM Toolbox' supports the development of Smart Grid Architectures in reference to the 'Smart Grid Architecture Model' (SGAM) as proposed by the 'Smart Grid Coordination Group' among the European mandate M/490. It aims at supporting all stakeholders along the engineering process of Smart Grid systems. Functionality and Benefits The core element of the tool is a Metamodel of the SGAM that provides a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for modelling. As the focus of the tool is on applicability, it delivers numerous templates, reference data and more. It is complemented with a very well documented step-by-step development process.

In addition, some video tutorials, reference examples and Scientific Publications (addressing the background) support an easy start. The tool is free to use. Contact Details: Christian Neureiter Salzburg University of Applied Sciences Josef Ressel Center for User-Centric Smart Grid Privacy, Security and Control Urstein Sued 1 5412 Puch/Salzburg Austria fon: +43 (0)50-2211-1328 fax: -1349 mail: web.

Siemens Polarion Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens Digital Factory Division, is a leading global provider of product lifecycle management (PLM), manufacturing operations management (MOM) software, application management (ALM) software, systems and services with over 15 million licensed seats and more than 140,000 customers worldwide. Polarion ALM from Siemens PLM combines every major phase of managing the software development lifecycle into one comprehensive ALM platform that provides teams with the real-time information on the actual state of software development in their organization necessary to make intelligent, informed decisions, while leveraging advanced open source technologies to deliver unique functionality and a significant return on investment. The Polarion connector for Enterprise Architect tightly integrates ALM with model based design.

Through the connector, a connection between Polarion and Enterprise Architect is established, allowing users to treat the Enterprise Architect model elements just like they are any other Polarion artifact. Enterprise Architect model elements (diagrams, use cases, activities, etc.) are imported into Polarion as work items. From there, users can establish traceability from the model elements to other Polarion work items. Through embedded hyperlinks, users can navigate from Polarion to Enterprise Architect or vice versa. When engineering change requests are raised, users can carry out detailed impact analysis to determine what parts of the software design (including model elements) are impacted.

The Polarion connector for Enterprise Architect is available as a free download from Siemens PLM, please visit. Soltegro EA Addin Overview of Plug-In Soltegro EA Addin is a set of usefull tools to enrich the user experience of Enterprise Architect. Currently the addin consist of the Rich notes editor and a Property inspector.

Functionality and Benefits With the Rich notes editor you can edit element notes with a rich text editor which supports syntax highlighting and text folding. The property inspector inspects all properties of the currently selected item in Enterprise Architect. Contact Details: Please contact us at: URL. Solvea Solvea' Solvea' is a SysML parametric solver and integrator add-in for Enterprise Architect. With Solvea, system engineers can execute SysML parametric models in Enterprise Architect to compute system performance, cost, reliability, and other measures-of-effectiveness; setup and perform automated requirements verification; and run automated trade studies to select best-in-class alternatives. Solvea supports Mathematica® and OpenModelica' for parametric constraint solving.

The Solvea - Excel® connection makes it easy to import/export data from SysML models. Solvea also allow users to wrap MATLAB/Simulink® m-files as SysML constraint blocks, build high-fidelity SysML parametric models, and execute them in the context of the system-of-interest. Interfaces to other standard computer-aided design, analysis and simulation tools are under development, so check out our website for the latest info. SpiraTest Importer Seamlessly create and manage your requirements in Enterprise Architect, then synchronize them into SpiraTest to develop your quality assurance test plan. SpiraTest offers a comprehensive quality assurance and test management system, helping to manage your requirements, test cases and defects/bugs with requirements traceability and real-time coverage analysis. Using SpiraTest and Enterprise Architect together can help reduce your project risk and optimize your testing process. Functionality & Benefits:.

Create, edit and execute test-cases for better software application testing. Track bugs, enhancements, risks and issues.

Map tests to requirements to track coverage of software test management. Link bugs to test steps during test execution for full test traceability.

Drill down from requirements to tests and incidents. Personalized dashboards and customizable reporting. Fully customizable workflows and field values for a more responsive software testing life cycle. Available as a hosted service or on-premise install Contact Details Phone: +1-202-558-6885. System Architecture Modeling Extension This extension to Enterprise Architect (version 12.1 or later) embeds a UML profile (inside an MDG Technology) to facilitate the modeling of complex system architectures. Often these types of diagrams are built in Microsoft Visio to take advantage of its graphical representation features. The profile allows the Enterprise Architect modeler to quickly build visually appealing system architecture diagrams that convey a maximum of technical information in a minimum of graphical footprint.

For more information, please visit Cephas Consulting Corp. Visio-to-BPMN 2.0 Process Conversion Convert your Visio (business) process models into the official BPMN 2.0 notation, even if the Visio diagrams were not created using the BPMN stencil! Bringing these models into the Enterprise Architect repository allows not only the formal mapping of processes and steps to both upstream and downstream artifacts (such as goals, requirements, services and applications), but also enables leveraging tool features such as version control, documentation generation and simulation when managing and evolving these models.

For more information, Please visit Cephas Consulting Corp. XPDL-to-BPMN 2.0 Process Conversion Cephas Consulting offers a service to convert your XPDL based process models into the official BPMN 2.0 notation. The only requirement is the ability to export the models out of your current tool into an XPDL 2 compliant XML representation.

Once converted, the rich feature set of Enterprise Architect will allow you to not only trace your processes and activities to both upstream and downstream artifacts (such as business goals, requirements, web services and applications), but also to leverage business process validation and simulation. For more information, please visit.