Streets And Trips 2011 Download

Posted By admin On 22.10.19

Hi Esther, Download and install visual c + + 2011 from the link below. When done restart your system and then attempt to install streets & Trips again. If you run in to trouble again refer to the link below for help with troubleshooting installation errors. Streets & Trips Support site.

  1. Streets And Trips 2011 Download
  2. Street And Trips 2011 Download Link
  3. Streets And Trips 2011 With Gps

Streets And Trips 2011 Download

Official direct download links to Streets & Trips on the Digital River servers. Microsoft Streets & Trips has been discontinued. We so appreciate the support of our dedicated users over the years. 'The success of these products would never have.

Or post the exact text of the error message back here, if you need further assistance Good luck. Well I finally got it to install. However now I'm getting this error: Your registry settings for this application were not copied correctly.

To correct these setting, run setup again for this application from the location where you originally installed it. What do I do now? I really need this program.I'm working with a friend that has it and it is very important that I have it too.Please help.Thank you. Have you tried running it as administrator? The installation may not have completed successfully. To run as administrator, right click the icon for streets & trips, and click 'Properties'.

Click on the 'Shortcut' tab and click 'Advanced'. Check the 'Run as administrator' checkbox.

Microsoft streets and trips

If prompted for a password, click continue or type the password. In the event that the 'Run as administrator' selection is greyed out, click the start button, and in the search box, type 'streets.exe' and press enter. Right click the 'streets.exe' and click 'Properties.' Note: If more than one version of the file is found, look at the Description to determine which version is the version that you want to modify.

Click on the compatibility tab, and select 'Run this program as administrator' check box under 'Priviledge' level. Click 'OK' Try again to run street & trips. For more troubleshooting tips please refer to the link below. Error message: 'Your registry settings for this application were not copied correctly' Good luck and let us know if you need further assistance. Take time to let us know if the suggestion worked.or not.

Can't run as administrator it is greyed out. Went to link and tried everything. Still says the same message. Is there a way I can go to my registry and take whatever is causing it and start over again?

I run win7 pro 64k. If you need anymore info pls ask. I really need this program and if I can get it to work I will certainly buy it! If I can go into the registry I will need help. I have uninstalled the program and deleted all file folders. And am re-downloading the program again. How can I run as administrator on my computer?

Can't run as administrator it is greyed out. Went to link and tried everything. Still says the same message. Is there a way I can go to my registry and take whatever is causing it and start over again?

I run win7 pro 64k. If you need anymore info pls ask. I really need this program and if I can get it to work I will certainly buy it!


If I can go into the registry I will need help. I have uninstalled the program and deleted all file folders.

Streets And Trips 2011 With Gps

And am re-downloading the program again. How can I run as administrator on my computer? Sorry for the delay. Is it also greyed out when you locate the streets.exe folder and right click on it as described above? You are on the right track. After downloading the program, right click on it and select run as administrator. If you get the exact error message again, follow the steps in the link below.

For more troubleshooting steps. Take time to let us know if the suggestion worked.or not.

I just purchased Streets and trips 20011. I uninstalled S&T 2007. When I try to install S&T 2011 I get an error message saying that microsoft visual c 2010 redistributable could not be installed. Same thing happens whether I try to install from the DVD or the download. I have 10.0.40219 of c 2010 installed. I'm using win 7 pro and have Office 2010 Pro installed.

I've read elsewhere that S&T 2011 will not work with the latest patch for microsoft visual c 2010 redistributable. If that is true then I'd like official confirmation so I can return S&T and get my money back. Otherwise I won't be able to return it because I've opened the package. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.