Delphi Serialize Json

Posted By admin On 27.10.19

Previously, to save the settings of some applications, I used:. A TSettings = class(TPersistent) for the container. Each data to serialize in a published property. List of object were TCollection and TCollectionItem types.

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The TJvAppXMLFileStorage component to save everything with the single line: JvAppXMLFileStorage.WritePersistent(.); BUT now, I'm using TObjectList as properties in the TSettings class. So I drop the TCollection/TCollectionItem in favor of Generics. When serializing it, there is no list of items. I think it's because TObjectList is not from TPersistent.

An introduction to JSON and using it within RadStudio Delphi or C++ Builder. [UPDATE] For a more complete example of building a RESTful service client with Delphi.

How can I serialize my TObjectList with TJvAppXMLFileStorage? This part of JediVCL is derived from RxLib, developed for 16-bit Delphi 1.0. And though JediVCL dropepd support for D1-D5 they still try to remain compatible with D6. So i'd not hope for generics support in JediVCL, twice so in design-time code (at least until IDE itself support generics in D-T). I may suggest you few ways: to implement this feature in JVCL yourself; to try some ORM framework around Spring4Delphi (work not complete yet); try SuperObject or another modern JSON persistent layer; try other XML parsers like Jedi CodeLib, OmniXML, NativeXML in hope that they support generics. – Sep 18 '12 at 7:12. I've successfuly serialize my generic list with few lines of code by calling JvAppXMLFileStorage.WriteList.

First, this is how I serialized the list. The WriteGenericsObjectListItem method is detailed below.

JvAppXMLFileStorage.WriteList('mylist',TObject(MyGenericList), MyGenericList.Count, WriteGenericsObjectListItem); Then, I just need to define how to serialize each item of the generic list. For this, I've created a generic method: procedure TMySerializer.WriteGenericsObjectListItem(Sender: TJvCustomAppStorage; const Path: string; const List: TObject; const Index: Integer; const ItemName: string); begin if(List is TObjectList) then if Assigned(TObjectList(List)Index) then Sender.WritePersistent(Sender.ConcatPaths(Path, Sender.ItemNameIndexPath (ItemName, Index)), TPersistent(TObjectList(List)Index)); end; That's it! I haven't modify JCL/JVCL code, only add these to my program. I think I will submit a patch to JCL/JVCL team to add the compatibility with all Generics containers.

Python Serialize Json


I hope this can help you!